Postage Stamps & Postal History

SG O67 1943 3p. on 4p. SW corner block of 4. Perf. 13 x 13½. Overprinted with SG Types O10 and O20. SUM

SG O67 1943 3p. on 4p. SW corner block of 4. Perf. 13 x 13½. Overprinted with SG Types O10 and O20. SUM

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India/Cochin 1943 King George VI Official.  3p. on 4p. South West corner block of 4. Perf. 13 x 13½. Overprinted with SG Types O10 and O20.  Superb unmounted mint condition.  SCARCE.

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Country: Indian Feudatory States, 1943