Postage Stamps & Postal History

SG 206 var. 1942 2½d. Tête-Bêche horizontal pair. SM. EXCEPTIONALLY RARE.

SG 206 var. 1942 2½d. Tête-Bêche horizontal pair. SM. EXCEPTIONALLY RARE.


Australia 1942 King George VI 2½d. scarlet. Variety, ‘Tête-Bêche horizontal pair’. Superb mint condition. Quantity : less than 10 pairs recorded.  Illicitly removed from the Note Printing Branch during the 1940’s.  This pair derives from a Booklet plate spoil and was originally part of a larger block.  Pairs such as this appear on the market extremely infrequently. Even though deemed illicit, this occurred over  70 years ago and today’s Specialists consider this piece to be highly desirable and its Provenance unimportant.  Demand for this item comes mainly from serious collectors of King George VI varieties.  (This item is illustrated on the front cover of the Australian Specialised Brusden White Catalogue).  EXCEPTIONALLY RARE THUS. 

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Country: Australia, 1942