Postage Stamps & Postal History

SG 119b, 119bd, 119be 1942 10/-. Block of 4. Line Perf. ‘Broken Scrolls flaws’. SM/SUM.

SG 119b, 119bd, 119be 1942 10/-. Block of 4. Line Perf. ‘Broken Scrolls flaws’. SM/SUM.


Bermuda  1942 King George VI 10/- yellow green and carmine on green paper.  Perf. 14¼ line.  Block of four.  Variety, ‘Broken top right Scroll (R5/11) and broken lower right Scroll (R5/12)’.  Superb mounted and unmounted mint condition (the Varieties are unmounted).  EXCEEDINGLY RARE.

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Country: British Atlantic/British North America/USA, 1942